Let the little children come...
Jesus led by example by welcoming the little children to Himself (Matthew 19:14-15). We aim to follow His example by pointing our "little ones" back to Jesus through our Children's Ministries. You can explore the three main areas of our Children's Ministry below:
Children's Church (abbreviated C2) is a Worship Service just for kids between the ages of 4 and 7. It takes place on Sunday mornings, when the kids are dismissed from the main Worship Service right after the prayer time. Our Children's Ministry leaders guide the kids through a Bible-based lesson which mirrors the one being taught to the parents through the sermon.
Children's Growth Groups (abbreviated G2) provide an opportunity for the kids to debrief about the lessons learned in the previous hour; during Children's Church for ages 4-7 and in the Worship Service for ages 8-13. The goal is to think about how to apply those lessons throughout the week and be good doers and not merely hearers. Children's Growth Groups start at 11a on Sundays immediate following the close of the Worship Service.
Kingdom Kids (abbreviated K2) is an afterschool ministry that takes place on Wednesday nights during the school year. Intended primarily as an outreach opportunity for those kids who attend Chapel District Middle School, K2 provides an opportunity to play together in a safe place while hearing a gospel-centered message.